Error processing SSI file

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Quik Scout Tech Support Contact Form

Complete and submit the following form to receive help with your Quik Scout technical issues.

Help us help you!

We may ask you for further information or request additional action by you in order to diagnose the problem. Please be sure to answer all questions when responding back to us. This is the best way to ensure a timely resolution to your software issue!

* Indicates a required field
*Computer Platform(s)
*School Address:
*School Telephone:
*Description of issue:


Issue Details
1.How often does this issue occur when using the program?
Everytime  Frequently  Occasionally  Infrequently
2. Do you receive an error message? Yes  No
If yes, please provide the exact text of the message:
3. Did the software work previously? Yes  No
4.Has your system been upgraded/changed in the past 1-3 months?
Hardware updates/changes: Yes  No
If yes, please describe the update or change:
Software updates/changes:
This includes changes to your operating system.
Yes  No
If yes, please describe the update or change:
5.Did you restart your computer after the issue first occurred? Yes  No

1. Is your computer connected to a printer? Yes  No
2. Does your TV/VCR/converter/computer setup match this diagram? Yes  No
3. What type of license do you have? Annual Subscription Individual License
Annual Subscription Site License
Permanent Individual License
Permanent Site License